On Sunday, 4th October, Rabbi Elf led the festivities as we celebrated Shemini Atzeret and the start of Simchat Torah.
This year, Mike Royston was honoured with the role of Kallat ha-Torah (bridegroom of the Torah) and Anna Constantinou was honoured as Kallat Bereshit (bride of Genesis).
As part of the celebration, the Torah scrolls were taken from the ark and carried or danced around the synagogue seven times. During the Torah service, the concluding section of the fifth book of the Torah, D’varim (Deuteronomy), was read, and immediately following, the opening section of Genesis, or B'reishit as it is called in Hebrew, was read. This practice represents the cyclical nature of the relationship between the Jewish people and the reading of the Torah.
The evening ended with a Kiddush of Cheesecake and Danish Pastries and Sweets.